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Other places on the internet we've found with the same interests and similar interests as ours...

Music in "Porto Rico"
A 1904 article from the New York Times recounting anecdotes from the daily musical life in the new US colony of Puerto Rico.


Puerto Rican Wooden Saints

The Puerto Rican Cuatro Project, along with cultural researcher David Morales and other prominent scholars and collectors in the realm of popular iconic imagery, have created a beautiful resource around the artisanal, cultural and religious traditions that surround the precious and ancient Puerto Rican craft of saint carving.

Don't miss this marvelous web page that displays and teaches the craft and religious significance of this native Puerto Rican folk craft.

Puerto Rican Studies Association

The Puerto Rican Studies Association is a non-profit professional organization that has as its fundamental objective the promotion and integration of the interdisciplinary research, praxis, and community empowerment of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico, the United States, and elsewhere.

Out friends at the PRSA carry out conferences in Puerto Rico and the United States on subjects related to Puerto Rican culture, politics and society.