Pioneers of the Décima in Puerto Rico (1900-1929)
We know that the Décima poetry of the Puerto Rican jíbaro springs from medieval Spanish roots. So the pioneers of our traditional music appeared on the scene far earlier than 1900. But from the earliest times to this day, our troubadours sang their songs with lyrics that rhymed according to the rules of that ancient poetic form -known also as the Décima Espinela because it was named after one of its most important proponents, the Spanish poet Vicente Martínez de Espinel (1551?-1624).
In 1916, the Víctor recording company visited Puerto Rico and recorded several musicians, none of whom were troubadors. Nonetheless, among these recorded songs we can find some essentially jíbaro themes.
The year 1922 saw the inauguration of one of the first radio stations in the Caribbean, WKAQ, which helped difuse our traditional music across the Island. During that period José Vilar and the Trio Borinquen could be heard and would record a large number of décimas and aguinaldos.
The Pioneers |
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Ángel Pacheco Alvarado (1879-1965) El Jíbaro de Peñuelas A member of the old guard of improvisers and poets. A member of the Round Table. Named by Ramito, Luis Morales and Joaquín Mouliert as one of the most distinguished singers of Puerto Rican traditional songs. The following notes are quoted from the Puerto Rican Instutute of Culture musical review Resonancias, No.8, Dec. 2004: In 1963 Ángel Pacheco Alvarado published a book of décimas: El Tiple Puertorriqueño in which he gathers together what he himself calls "rústic espinelas". Maybe that's the reason that he defines his efforts in the composition of décimas in the following way:
Perfecto Álvarez ( ? - 1949)
The following notes are quoted from the Puerto Rican Instutute of Culture musical review Resonancias, No. 8, Dec. 2004: But, who is the first troubador at the beginnings of the twentieth century who's name we know? It was a Caguas native named Perfecto Álvarez, who served as a tutor to other future troubadors and improvisers in that region. Let's see how the self-taught versifier sings about his homeland:
Plácido Figueroa (1909-197?) The following commentary is quoted and translated from Resonancias, the journal of the Puerto Rican Institute of Culture, No.8, December 2004: In his broadside Los Trovadores [The Troubadors] Plácido Figueroa Rodríguez reveals his flair for the singing and the composition of décimas; on those pages he includes various elegies on other admired troubadors, such as Pacheco Alvarado and the never-forgotten Iluminado Félix, to whom he directs these verses:
Plácido Figueroa also wrote the beautiful décima Nuestra Sangre made famous by the singer Ramito. We've dedicated an entire page to Nuestra Sangre here. |
Jesús Díaz Born in the town of Guayama. A member of the Round Table whose professional apogee occurs during the forties and a member of the old guard of improvisers and poets. Named by Ramito, Luis Morales and Joaquín Muliert as one of the most distinguished singers of Puerto Rican traditional songs. |
Pepe Meléndez El Cojo [The lame one] A member of the Round Table whose professional apogee occurs during the fifties. One of the great poets of the décima. Born in the town of Ceiba. Named by Joaquín Muliert as one of the most distinguished singers of Puerto Rican traditional songs. Known as El Cojo -the lame one--due to his having lost a leg. |
Vicente Monte El Barbero "The Barber" A member of the Round Table whose professional apogee occurs during the fifties. One of the great poets of the décima. Born in the town of Guayama. Named by Joaquín Muliert as one of the most distinguished singers of Puerto Rican traditional songs. |
Cándido Silva Parrilla
A member of the Round Table whose professional apogee occurs during the fifties. One of the great poets of the décima. Born in the town of Barceloneta. He was a member of the old guard of improvisers and historic poets. He was engaged to work as a troubador for the Puerto Rican government in 1929 and wrote two books containing décimas. Named by Ramito, Luis Morales and Joaquín Mouliert as one of the most distinguished singer of traditional Puerto Rican songs. |
Gabriel Rivera Goyo Named by Luis Miranda as one of the most distinguished among the singers of traditional music. Born Named by Luis Miranda as one of the most distinguished traditional singers. A native of the barrio Beatriz of Caguas. Respected as a décima poet by his peers, the greatest poet-improvisers of his times, for his a natural artistic style that flowed freely in every thought, in every poetic stanza of his poetry. |
Iluminado Félix (188?-1969) El Jíbaro de Ceiba Named by Luis Miranda as one of the most distinguished among the singers of traditional music. Born Named by Luis Miranda as one of the most distinguished traditional singers. A native of the barrio Beatriz of Caguas. Respected as a décima poet by his peers, the greatest poet-improvisers of his times, for his a natural artistic style that flowed freely in every thought, in every poetic stanza of his poetry. |
Pedro Ríos
Born in the town of Fajardo. A member of the Round Table whose professional apogee occurs during the forties. A member of the old guard of improvisers and poets. |
Francisco Roque The following commentary is translated from Resonancias, the journal of the Puerto Rican Institute of Culture, No.8, December 2004: Décima poet from the early twentieth century, whose work is collected in the booklet Desde un rincón de mi tierra [From a corner of my land]. He was a man tied to the agricultural tasks of the mountains of Naranjito, town of his birth, and is responsible for the national prestige gained by great singers of the décima who sang his compositions. |